Next Meeting: Positive Peace in Schools | 13 June 2017
The next meeting of the Peer Mediation Network will be on 13th June.
Venue: Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London

10.15 | Arrival and refreshments
10.30-1pm | Business Meeting for PMN members
2-4pm | Workshop:Positive Peace in Schools with Hilary Cremin and Terence Bevington
A fresh and challenging perspective on
the question of conflict, violence and peace in schools.
Drawing on the most up-to-date theory and research
from the field of Peace and Conflict Studies in their new book, Hilary and Terence will take us through the purpose and structure of the book and facilitate a mini skill-share based on ideas from the book. They will explore the concept of positive peace, and how the dimensions of
peace-keeping, peace-making and peace-building can be robustly applied in schools.
4.30-5.30pm | Book reading and signing with refreshments, Quaker Centre Bookshop
RSVP to some or all of this workshop: | Facebook Event